Blog launch, Band Builder Academy Launch, Cacapehon, and reminder

Hey all,

Don’t forget that we have a Mixer Mixer tomorrow, November 28 at Rec Room Recording in the Arts Federation basement at 7:30pm. I’m really looking forward to hearing some great tracks!!!!

My New Blog

As you know, my goal with the Mixer Mixer is to help build an awesome mixing and engineering community in Lafayette. One way I thought that could be facilitated was to have a comment section at the end of each newsletter so that people could ask questions and we could get a bit of a discussion going. Well I think I’ve got that rolling now although I’m sure I’ll be making improvements as we go along.

The only way I could think of to have a comments section at the end of the newsletter was to post the newsletter in a blog on my website. So I copied all of the previous newsletters and pasted each of my past Mixer Mixer newsletters as a separate entry in the new blog. There were definitely some nuggets in those old newsletters and those that have not been with me from the beginning may like to peruse them. You can check them out at under the Blog tab. And at the bottom of each blog entry you’ll be able to make comments or ask questions. My website host will send me an email when comments or questions are entered so my responses should be pretty prompt. I think it’ll be cool.

I’m still sending the entire Mixer Mixer newsletter out to the email list. At the bottom of the newsletter will be a link to send you to my blog page should you wish to comment or ask questions. Let me know how it works and any changes that you would like to see.

Band Builder Academy

The best guides I have found for navigating the new music business are Chris Greenwood and Todd McCarty. I have already recommended Chris’ book to you. It’s called Spotify Profits 2.0. It’s a keeper. Buy it. I have also mentioned Todd’s program. It’s called Band Builder Academy. It’s amazing. It’s like a college degree in the new music business and it’s $30 per month. A little cheaper than college. LOL.

Band Builder Academy is a complete guide that you can do on your own. However, I think it would be even better if we can do it as a group and encourage each other and hold each other accountable. So I’m going to facilitate and welcome you to join me and my daughter’s group ATLYS as we go through the program. This is not a small course but it is 100% practical and you will find it useful right from the get go. We won’t do formal classes but we will meet up, in groups or individually, to discuss progress and I’ll be open to taking questions so that we can work through problems and learn together. I’ll keep a schedule for each of you so I can monitor your progress. I think it’ll be great. Todd operates the Academy on a subscription model so it’s $30 per month. Which is great because if it doesn’t work for you then you can bail with minimal cost outlay. Unlike college. LOL.

If this interests you then please watch the following video of Chris Greenwood interviewing Todd McCarty about the program:

Hit me up with any questions about Band Builder Academy. If all sounds good and you’re ready to get started the you can sign up at: 

This is an affiliate link which means that when you subscribe to the program Todd gives me a 25% commission which will be my renumeration for facilitating. We’ll be working hard and learning a ton.

Ronan and Liz’s Cacapehon Recording and Songwriting Retreat

Earlier this month I was in Los Angeles at the Taxi Road Rally. Confusing as the name is, The Road Rally is a songwriting and production convention. A great one. 2000 songwriters in one place. I have been going to the Road Rally for many years. I met Steven Memel, Liz Redwing, and Ronan at the Road Rally and now we’re friends. I spoke to Ronan and Liz and they wanted me to invite you to the recording and songwriting retreat they host every spring in West Virginia. It’s five days of learning, listening, and relaxing in a community made up of world class mentors and fellow music makers.

I will be helping Ronan and Liz run the retreat this year. And they may even have me do a class. LOL. It will be a great time and I’d love to see you join us. Ronan and Liz even made a discount code “NEIL” to save you $100 on the cost. Check it out here:

Feel free to ask me if you have any questions about the retreat.

Thanks so much for being part of the Mixer Mixer community.

All the best,


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